Finding my place: You Are Here Stories

Some of you may have heard that I have embarked on a new writing journey for 2016—starting in December of 2015. It’s a year-long writing fellowship with the You Are Here Stories blog: You Are Here | True stories about roots, identity, and place.

The founders of this blog met in the Glen Workshop West Spiritual Writing workshop taught by Susan E. Isaacs in 2014, in which I also participated. As they kick off their second year of publication, they invited in a handful of new writers to join them for a year-long fellowship. The 11 of us will write one piece every month, inspired by a particular theme, and we will edit and be edited by each other.

I hope you’ll check out You Are Here Stories, both to read my stuff and the great pieces by my fellow team members.

I am here! And I am over there too:


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